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12th Annual Stockton Thanksgiving Run and Walk Against Hunger
Caravan News 4831

12th Annual Stockton Thanksgiving Run and Walk Against Hunger


The 12th Annual Thanksgiving Run and Walk Against Hunger, November 24, is expected to draw 4,000 participants to the Stockton Ports Baseball Park. (Fremont and Lincoln Streets in downtown Stockton.)  The Michael David Family Foundation Run & Walk Against Hunger is a 5K run/walk, a 10K (run only) and a Kid's 1/4 mile run.  It's an annual event for the whole family!  The flat, fast out and back course takes participants through Stockton's Weber Point and Waterfront area.  Walkers have their own scenic course along the waterfront.  Strollers and wheel chairs are welcome, however, please start behind the runners to help avoid a possible collision. 

Participants are also urged to bring canned foods, paper and plastic bags to the event. All proceeds benefit the Emergency Food Bank and Family Services of Stockton/San Joaquin.

Take advantage of early packet pick up at Fleet Feet Stockton (277 Lincoln Center) on Mon., Nov. 21 thru Weds., Nov. 23 between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.  Remember to bring in two non-perishable food items and receive 15% off your entire day’s Fleet Feet Stockton purchase!  Donations go to the Emergency Food Bank to help families throughout San Joaquin County.

Headed out of town for Thanksgiving this year?  You can still participate as a Run & Walk Against Hunger Virtual Runner and receive the official race shirt!  Run or walk your 5K/10K indoors, outdoors, or wherever your feet take you on Thanksgiving morning.  (Shirt available for pick-up at Fleet Feet Nov. 21-23 or at Emergency Food Bank after the event.)  Questions? Call 209.464.7369.  Click here to register now!

Rest stops will be provided on the route with plenty of drinks. For the walk, young children (with an adult), strollers, wagons and handicapped walkers are welcome; all should start in the rear. For safety, NO dogs, bicycles, skateboards, or roller blades on the course, please. Strollers for kids and wheelchairs are WELCOME, but please line up behind all runners!

Awards will be for the timed 5k and 10k runs, for the top three places in each age group (12 and under, 13 to 18, 19 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 69 and 70 and over, male and female). Overall M/F 10k winners receive Brooks jackets. All kids’ run participants (9 and under) will receive ribbons at the event.

Register today!

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