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Walking your way to a good sweat!
Caravan News 10714

Walking your way to a good sweat!

by Steve

Biggest Loser - Day 11:

It's Wednesday afternoon and it's a beautiful day.  Now closing in on losing 15 pounds!  It's been great with family, friends and business associates providing such support.  That's really the key.  I'm generally a very private person and wouldn't have ever started a blog like this but it seems to be motivating others to "Just Do It."

Yesterday went to gym after work with a dear niece Jazz.  She started out walking around her block, then it turned into a fast-paced walk and finally, jogging. She's now more of a runner and stationary bike person. She started out over the past year she has lost 30 pounds.  Way to go Jazz!  It was great to see her smiling face and energy in wanting to go to the gym to work out.

For me, the treadmill seems to be working for now but I expect that I'll try the stationary bike and then add some weights later.  My big butt gets sore on a bike but I'll have to give it a try.

On Monday when I went to the gym, for some reason a leg was being a bit numb and slight burning but yesterday, the numbness seemed to have lessen.  Regardless, I'm still going to the gym.   A great friend said to be sure to stretch before exercising it will help.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I've heard that you should stretch before exercising but I don't always do that.

Yesterday the food included a bowl of Special K with strawberries, almond snacks, and for both lunch AND dinner-- a bowl of homemade cream of broccoli soup.  I could eat that all for most meals every week!  Not sure about the nutrition info or if it's that healthy for you because it was homemade but it sure was delicious.  (If you know if this soup is or isn't healthy, please email me at [email protected].  Thanks!)

That's the key, find some healthy -- or healthier -- foods that you enjoy and mix them up. 

Be sure to get ready to start the year of by walking (or jogging) in the St. Joseph's Hospital's FUN/RUN coming up on Saturday, Jan. 23rd.  You can read more about the event in the news section of the 

 Here's wishing you a great day and that wonderful sensation that comes from sweating during a good workout.  Good luck and you can do it!

TIP: Be sure to have good shoes -- not always expensive-- but comfortable and supportive when walking or jogging.  I changed shoes and it really helped lessen the soreness of the feet.  Just thought i'd share that.

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