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Stockton to consider tighter water restrictions
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Stockton to consider tighter water restrictions

Water conservation measures and enforcement step up in Stockton

The State of California is in the fourth year of a record-setting drought. Stockton residents have done a good job of conserving water supplies, saving on average 14 percent per month based on 2013 usage. On Tuesday, May 19, the Stockton City Council will consider adoption of additional changes to Stockton’s Water Conservation Ordinance (SMC 13.28) in response to the Governor’s Drought Emergency Declaration and to meet the requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board. If approved by the Council, the following list of regulations, which includes all existing as well as new water conservation measures, will become effective immediately.

Watering Days

Addresses ending in Watering Days Not allowed between
Even number (0, 2, 4, 6, or 8)
Tuesday and Fridays Only
11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
ODD number (1, 3, 5, 7, or 9)
Mondays and Thursdays Only
11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Other Water Use Regulations/Requirements

  • Water leaks – must be corrected within 24 hours of discovery/notification
  • Washing vehicles – only with positive shut-off nozzle and on assigned watering days
  • Commercial car washes – must use reclaimed soap and water (no day restrictions)
  • Restaurants – water served only upon customer request
  • Hotels and motels – must provide option to refuse daily towel/linen laundering
  • Cleaning building/mobile home exterior (with water) – only with bucket and sponge
  • Repairing/Repainting – must use pressurized washing device with quick acting, positive shut-off
  • Ornamental fountains (public/commercial locations) – operate only with recirculated water
  • Use of water to wash driveways, sidewalks, patios, parking lots, and other similar exterior surfaces – only with pressurized sidewalk cleaning equipment for sanitation, public health/safety, and fire protection
  • Swimming pool draining/refilling – not allowed year round, except for protection of public health/safety=
  • Dust control – use of potable water not allowed, except for public health/safety
  • Fire hydrant – use of potable water not allowed, except by Fire protection agencies for fire suppression or by responsible water agencies
  • Fire hydrant – use of potable water allowed when no alternate/recycled water sources available, only with permit from Fire Department and permission of responsible water agency
  • All other wasteful running of water/washing with water – unlawful, without reasonable purpose

Water waste or violations can be reported online through AskStockton on the City’s Home page at, using the “Report Water Wasting” link in the “Quick Connections” box, or by calling City of Stockton Municipal Utilities Department at 1-866-STOKWTR (866-786-5987). The City will attempt to resolve initial water waste issues for a location with the responsible property owner, tenant or manager. The State allows water suppliers to fine violators up to $500 for each day that a violation occurs.

Water suppliers can be fined of up to $10,000 per day, per violation, for violating the State Emergency Regulations. The State of California Water Resources Control Board will continue to review water conservation. Additional restrictions may apply in the future. For questions about water conservation within the City of Stockton, please call 1-866-STOKWTR (866-786-5987) or visit

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