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American Red Cross Acquires Delta Blood Bank
Caravan News 6916

American Red Cross Acquires Delta Blood Bank

Delta Blood Bank to become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Red Cross

Delta Blood Bank, a non-profit community blood bank with an excellent 55-year record of serving Northern California. Delta Blood Bank will become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Red Cross.

The agreement is a mutual business decision which benefits both the Red Cross and the hospitals and patients served by Delta Blood Bank. The areas served by Delta Blood Bank include the five counties of San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Calaveras and El Dorado. 

The acquisition of Delta Blood Bank by the Red Cross will include all of Delta Blood Bank collection facilities and employees. Delta Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Benjamin Spindler will continue to oversee the Delta day-to-day operations.

‘This initiative is an effort by both organizations to control costs and to continuously improve operations and high-quality service” said Joan Manning, vice president of Red Cross Blood Services Western Division. “Additionally, this transition will result in economies of scale and blood collection efficiencies which will benefit patients, hospitals, large healthcare systems and our communities as a whole.”

“We are very excited to be working with the Red Cross” said Dr. Benjamin Spindler, CEO of Delta Blood Bank. “We remain 100 percent committed to providing a wonderful experience for all Red Cross and Delta blood donors – while maintaining a safe and adequate blood supply for area hospitals.”

Delta Blood Bank and the Red Cross are committed to a smooth and seamless transition that ensures continued availability of blood and the specialized services needed to support hospitals and patients in need of blood transfusion. 

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