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Art Expressions of San Joaquin is accepting student artwork
Caravan News 2846

Art Expressions of San Joaquin is accepting student artwork

The Art Expressions of San Joaquin is accepting student artwork for their annual High School Student Art Show. The art show is open only to high school students, maximum one piece per student. No entry fee and all art mediums are accepted. Artwork must be family-friendly and will be displayed at a San Joaquin County Admin. Building. Certain guidelines and restrictions do apply.

Submissions will be accepted on October 12 and 13 from 3:30PM to 5:30PM at 44 N. San Joaquin Avenue. For other arrangement please contact Ana Vera at [email protected] or by calling (209) 471-7231. Artwork must ready to hang. Cash prices will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category as well as for ‘Best of Show’, Art Commissions Award’ and ‘People’s Choice’ award.

A meet-the artist reception will be held on Friday November 4, 2016 at 44 N. San Joaquin Street from 5:30PM to 8:00PM and event will be enhanced with food, refreshments, and entertainment. Students, family members and the public are encouraged to attend. The ‘Best of Show’ winner will be given a free one-year membership to Art Expressions of San Joaquin and will be mentored by our member artists. Any questions, visit our web site or contact Ana Vera.

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