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Aspire Public Schools Honors Don Shalvey
Caravan News 5718

Aspire Public Schools Honors Don Shalvey

Event date: 9/7/2017 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Export event

Don Shalvey, co-founder of Aspire Schools will be honored at the Aspire Central Valley Region's first annual Harvest Moon Benefit, Thursday, September 7, 2017 at Wine & Roses in Lodi, California. The event will bring together community and business leaders to celebrate the success of Aspire’s Central Valley Schools, as well as build community awareness.  

The reception will begin at 5:30 p.m. featuring Snap Jackson & The Knock on Wood Players in the beautiful Wine & Roses Garden. Dinner and a program will follow.

Guests will hear from Aspire students and their families, as well as teachers and principals. The celebration will conclude with a special acknowledgment honoring Aspire’s co-founder Don Shalvey. Fritz Grupe and Dino Cortopassi, lifelong friends of Shalvey, will present the honors.

Aspire Public Schools, founded in 1998, is one of the nation’s first charter management organizations with the goal of providing students with the necessary tools to earn a college degree. Since its inception, Aspire has stayed true to Shalvey’s vision of preparing students for college. Aspire is committed to sharing its practices to help catalyze education reform in public schools across the nation.

Aspire opened its first schools right here in the Central Valley. It is now a leader in national education and one of the highest-performing, well-respected charter school systems in the country, serving over 16,000 students in 40 schools in California and Memphis, Tennessee.

Today the Central Valley is Aspire’s largest region, with 14 schools serving over 7,000 students in Modesto, Stockton, and Sacramento. For the past nine years, 100 percent of Aspire graduates have secured admission to a four-year college or university.

For event or sponsorship information please call Lori Richards at 916-749-6950.

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