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BAND TOGETHER: New live virtual concert series.
Caravan News 8045

BAND TOGETHER: New live virtual concert series.

Spend a Sunday eve and support local musicians.

Looking for something entertaining to do on Sunday nights?  Support local diversity and talent in San Joaquin County by watching  "Band Together” --  a virtual concert series presented by G-Force Production (new live-streaming service), United Way of San Joaquin County, and Goodstock Productions.  “Band Together” aims to unite our community through the joy of music, spreading hope and positivity during these challenging times.

Tune in and enjoy some of the most talented musicians in our area!  Gary Hansen, owner of G-Force Productions has been involved with music and concert events for years.  He wanted to provide an opportunity for local musicians and bands to continue to showcase their talents.  G-Force Production’s new LIVe-streaming service was just the answer.   Viewers can watch and listen to amazing music presented in an extremely high, professional production.  After hearing his idea, he was able to enlist the support from the United Way and Goodstock to make this happen.

Every Sunday at 6pm through June, Band Together will feature a new artist and a new venue. The series kicked off with the Mike Torres Jr. Band; always a popular band locally and throughout the Bay Area.

Upcoming performers include:

  • June 14 Patrick Langham Quintet at Haggin Museum
  • June 21 Solo artists:
    • Brandon Leake
    • Geovanie Brooks
    • Chocolate
    • Horatio Monroe & Tea Overstreet
  • June 28 The Mundaze at the West 12 Ranch

Watch Band Together virtual concert series LIVE via Facebook or YouTube.

Let’s Band Together and enjoy some top-notch music via LIVE streaming each Sunday at 6pm.

Logo by Alex McBride, Downtown Stockton Alliance.

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