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Benjamin Holt Drive Improvement Project
Caravan News 5748

Benjamin Holt Drive Improvement Project

Construction is expected to begin on June 9 to widen Benjamin Holt Drive from Gettysburg Place to Pacific Avenue.
Members of the public are invited to a Public Information Meeting tomorrow, May 20, 2014, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., 345 Lincoln Center, Stockton (north side of Benjamin Holt Drive between Gettysburg Place and Pacific Avenue). The meeting is an opportunity for members of the public and businesses in the project area to learn what to expect during construction which will take about four months, including approximately 70 days of road closures.
Exhibits of the improvements, the construction schedule, and information about detours will be on display. Members of the project team will make a brief presentation and be available to answer questions.
The project will include two lanes in each direction; a left-turn lane; curb, gutter and sidewalk; signal modifications; a crosswalk; and drainage improvements. Existing landscape along both sides of the roadway will be replaced with trees and shrubs.
The project is being constructed to enhance traffic safety and operations and to meet future traffic demands by reducing congestion on Benjamin Holt Drive between Gettysburg Place and Pacific Avenue.
The study is being funded by Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees, which are paid by developers, and collected by the County to mitigate forecasted increases in traffic volumes due to proposed projects.
Contact: Public Information Coordinator, (209) 464-8707, Extension 101, or email [email protected]

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