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Blanket The City With Love Blanket Collection

Blanket donation

BREAKING NEWS!  Good Day Sacramento TV will be broadcasting from Stockton for the Blanket The City With Love blanket donation.

It’s cold at night. Imagine how much your blanket would mean to a homeless person / family at night.  Please stop by say hello and donate a used or new blanket. Friday, Dec. 8th from 8am - 9am. 4343 Pacific (Computer Link - corner of Pacific & Bianchi.).

For over 15 years, Blanket The City With Love all-volunteer effort has been collecting clean used or new blankets and delivering them to the homeless that sleep out at nights throughout Stockton.  They also provide blankets for several shelters including Gospel Center Rescue Mission, Stockton Homeless Shelter, SJC Women's Center and others. 

Drop off a blanket on your way to work, school, etc. See there and thanks for helping.

Blanket The City With Love is an all-volunteer, grassroots effort coordinated by Mayaco Marketing & Internet and valued associates.

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