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Celebrate Completion of the Corridor!
Caravan News 11307

Celebrate Completion of the Corridor!

Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Set for Sperry Road Extension Project

Members of the public are invited to a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate completion of the Sperry Road Extension Project, which provides a connection between State Route 99 and Interstate 5. The ceremony will be held at 11:00 a.m., tomorrow, Thursday, December 19, 2013, weather permitting, on the east side of the French Camp Road Interchange with Interstate 5.
After a brief program, traffic will flow over the Union Pacific Railroad, McKinley Avenue, French Camp Slough, and El Dorado Street!
The project is expected to reduce traffic congestion and provide a more direct route to points within south Stockton. The project will accommodate anticipated travel demand through the year 2025. The Sperry Road Extension will be connected to the improved interchange at French Camp Road and Interstate 5, which is under construction.
The estimated total construction cost is $40 million and is funded with approximately $24 million from the State Proposition 1B Trade Corridor Improvements Fund, $6 million from Measure K (San Joaquin Council of Governments), $6 million of City Public Facilities Fees, and $4 million from San Joaquin County.
The project includes:
·         5,400 feet of new roadway
·         More than 460,000 cubic yards of imported material/dirt
·         Five new bridges with more than 15,000 cubic yards of concrete
·         3,400,000 pounds of reinforcing steel
·         7,600 cubic yards of new concrete pavement
·         Installation of a new high-speed, weigh-in motion system that will collect data related to speed and weight of vehicles
For more information: (209) 464-8707, Ext. 101, or [email protected]. Also, visit

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