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Celebrate Completion of the Corridor!
Caravan News 2922

Celebrate Completion of the Corridor!

Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Set for Sperry Road Extension Project

Members of the public are invited to a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate completion of the Sperry Road Extension Project, which provides a connection between State Route 99 and Interstate 5. The ceremony will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 19, 2013, weather permitting, on the east side of the French Camp Road Interchange with Interstate 5.
After a brief program, traffic will flow over the Union Pacific Railroad, McKinley Avenue, French Camp Slough, and El Dorado Street!
The new roadway is expected to improve local, regional, and interregional traffic and accommodate anticipated traffic demands along the Arch Road-Sperry Road corridor.
For more information: (209) 464-8707, Ext. 101, or [email protected]. Also, visit

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