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Celebrating 25 years of TLC School for Homeless and Needy Children.
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Celebrating 25 years of TLC School for Homeless and Needy Children.

The Learning Center (TLC) -- serving homeless and needy children for 25 years.

Celebrating 25 years of TLC School
Please join the one.TLC School  Foundation in celebrating the 25th Anniversary of TLC School for Homeless Children.    This special event will take place on March 16 at the UOP Alumni House, located at 1022 Brubeck Way, east of the Long Theater.  Tickets are $50.00. Cocktails and generous appetizers will be served. 
TLC History:
TLC was founded on February 11, 2012 and for the past 25 years has served thousands of homeless and at-risk students and their families in San Joaquin County.    The name TLC stands for the Transitional Learning Center, as we serve children who are in transition,  but also means Tender Love and Care, what is given to the children. As one of our  former students stated, "It should also stand for Teachers Loving and Caring."
The K-6th grade school is credentialed  by the San Joaquin County Office of Education and operated in collaboration with the one.TLC School Foundation. TLC is one of only 2 schools in the United States noted in  Congressional Record  as an exemplary program allowed to operate as a separate school serving homeless children.  This is in great part due to the ongoing support of U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein.
The goals of TLC are to provide a safe, positive, nurturing environment that meets the basic needs of the students, including breakfast, lunch, nutrition, clothing, (new shoes, underwear, socks, uniforms) school supplies, personal toiletries, books and family services.  A standards based core academic program is provided, along with individualized assessment and instruction and enrichment activities. The teacher to student ratio is 1:5, which allows for a more individualized and personal approach.

TLC truly is a "Community School," generously supported by our community. Over the past 25 years, many wonderful individuals, groups, organizations, schools and churches have supported the school and volunteered along the way.  Many are retired teachers, but also hundreds of  students completing community service, internships, or special projects, while learning a valuable lesson in giving back to their community by helping those less fortunate.  The school enjoys the support of many churches, civic organizations, schools and generous individuals and foundations too numerous to mention.

The TLC Foundation provides funds for the additional teaching support staff,  counseling, office manager, transportation, clothing and school supplies. The children are provided with daily door-to-door transportation to ensure safe and reliable transport to and from school each day.  We serve area shelters, transient motels, families doubled up, camping or living in their cars.  We also serve some at risk youth and children living in poverty who are in need of the specialized services we provide.

Please  join us in celebrating 25 years of TLC and the thousands of children who have passed through our doors, so eager to learn.  All proceeds from the 25th Anniversary party will go to directly to support our students.

For more information, please call Jody at 209-468-9494.

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