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Chuck-A-Duck for Kids
Caravan News 4748

Chuck-A-Duck for Kids

There’s a slightly different twist on “Chuck-A-Puck” during this Western Conference Semifinals series against the Bakersfield Condors. Instead of pucks, it will be ducks that are thrown onto the ice for a chance to win some prizes while also supporting a good cause.

Fans can get one duck to throw onto the ice for just $3 or get two for $5 at the Chuck-A-Puck table. A portion of proceeds will benefit the Child Abuse Prevention Council of San Joaquin County. Chuck-A-Puck rules still apply.

If a duck dots the “I” in the Kids Care Dental Group logo, that lucky fans will win the progressive jackpot, currently at $950. Additionally, there will be two lucky winners of team-autographed broken “sticklets” during each game.

There’s another way you can help this important cause as well. The CAPC will be holding its own “Ducky Derby” on May 31st at McLeod Lake, Weber Point in Downtown Stockton!

You can adopt ducks to float in a race to the finish line with the first ten ducks claiming prizes.

For more information, and to adopt individually numbered rubber duckies for the race, visit their website at or adopt one at an adoption station at a Thunder Western Conference Semifinal home game.

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