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Citizens sought for bond oversight committee
Caravan News 4601

Citizens sought for bond oversight committee

Group ensures taxpayer money spent properly

San Joaquin Delta College is searching for members of the public to serve on a committee that provides oversight for the College’s taxpayer-funded Measure L bond.

The Citizens’ Oversight Committee is key to ensuring that the $250 million bond, approved by voters in 2004, is being spent properly.

Applications are due by Sept. 14. Candidates are invited to apply in the following categories:

  • One member of a taxpayers’ organization;
  • One student who is enrolled in a community college support organization; 
  • One representative of the business community;
  • One senior citizen who is active in a seniors’ organization;
  • One person who is active in a support organization for Delta College; and
  • Two members of the community at large.

Members must reside within Delta College’s district, which includes most of San Joaquin County and portions of Calaveras, Sacramento, Solano and Alameda counties.

Committee meetings are held on one Thursday evening during the months of February, May, August and November. 

Measure L has been critical as Delta builds new facilities while also upgrading older buildings on the College’s main Stockton campus.

The Committee’s role is to review and report on the proper expenditure of bond money. The Committee also ensures that bond money is spent only on the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or replacement of school facilities.

For an application that can be filled out and either emailed or mailed to the College, visit and follow the directions. Or call (209) 954-5052. For the latest information on Measure L, read the Committee’s most recent annual report at

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