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City of Stockton Accepting Applications
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City of Stockton Accepting Applications

City Council Vacancy – District 2

The City of Stockton will begin the process of selecting and appointing a Councilmember for Council District 2.  Councilmember Kathy Miller will take an oath of office and begin serving as a San Joaquin County Supervisor in January, 2015.  The City Council will be responsible for filling the remaining two years of the District 2 Council seat in accordance with Stockton City Charter, Article VI, Section 601(f).  The appointed Councilmember will serve the remainder of Councilmember Miller’s term through December 2016.

The application filing period closes November 6, 2014, at 5:30 pm.  The application packet will be available from the Office of the City Clerk, 425 N. El Dorado St., 1st Floor, beginning October 7, 2014.  Application packets must be completed and submitted no later than 5:30 p.m. on November 6, 2014.  Applicants must be registered to vote and have lived within Council District 2 for 30 days prior to the November 6, 2014, filing deadline.  Councilmembers must live within the Council District they represent for the entire term of service.  To determine if an address is within Council District 2, please visit


The application packet includes: an Application for Candidacy, which will include supplemental information in the areas of public service and/or community involvement; a resume and supplemental information; a Nomination Paper, signed by 10 registered voters of Council District 2 who support the candidacy; and a Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700), for full disclosure of economic interest, as required by Government Code section 87200.

Applications will be strengthened by the submission of an optional cover letter providing a detailed explanation of reasons for submitting a request for appointment and an optional Public Information Resume.  The Public Information Resume and candidate contact information will be posted on the City’s website.

For additional information, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at (209) 937-8459.

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