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City of Stockton Accepting Applications for Commissions

The City of Stockton is accepting online applications through August 8, 2016. If you are interested in applying for any of the Boards listed below, the application is available on the City’s website at This recruitment includes the following:

Central Parking District Advisory Board: A seven (7) member board that serves as an advisory body to the City Council and makes recommendations on rules, rates, regulations, and development plans of the Central Parking District. The City is seeking to fill three (3) vacancies to be filled immediately upon appointment and with terms ending June 30, 2021. Term of service is four (4) years with a two (2) term limit. Members meet once a month on the fourth Wednesday, and there is no remuneration. Applicants must own real property or be an executive officer or board member of a corporation that owns property within the Central Parking District.

City Council Salary Setting Commission: A five (5) member Commission that reviews and recommends the amount of monthly salary and benefits which it deems appropriate for members of the Council, including the Mayor. The City is seeking to fill three (3) upcoming vacancies. The term of service is for four (4) years that will begin in January of 2017. There is a two (2) term limit. Members meet biannually between March 1 and April 30 of every odd year. Applicants must be qualified electors within the City of Stockton at all times during their term of office.

Climate Action Plan Advisory Committee: A ten (10) member Committee that advises and makes recommendations to the City Council on Climate Action Plan activities within the City of Stockton. The City is seeking to fill three (3) vacancies: two (2) for the environmental category and one (1) for the labor category. Term of service is for two (2) years, to begin immediately upon appointment and end in September 2017. There is no term limit. Members meet once a month on the third Thursday, and there is no remuneration. Applicants must have experience in either the environmental or labor category to be considered.

Community Development Committee: A seven (7) member Committee that advises the City Council, studies housing data to recommend ongoing project funding levels, reviews U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development applications, and meets with residents to analyze activities, needs, and community support for newly designated areas. The City is seeking to fill three (3) vacancies, one (1) each from Districts 3, 4 and 6 beginning October 1, 2016. There is a two (2) term limit.

Cultural Heritage Board: A nine (9) member board that promotes and preserves the community’s historical, architectural, aesthetic and cultural resources; identifies sites and districts with historical significance and generally encourages and sponsors cultural events. To qualify, members should have a broad-based knowledge of the historical and cultural traditions of the community with a background in preservation, architecture, and/or construction technology. The City is seeking to complete one (1) vacated term to begin immediately upon appointment and ending October 31, 2018. Term of service is four (4) years with a two (2) term limit.

Handicapped Access Board of Appeals: A five (5) member board that handles appeals of administrative decisions regarding denials of requests for alternative methods of providing access to public accommodations by physically disabled persons, as required by the California Health and Safety Code. The City is seeking to fill two (2) vacancies beginning on September 24, 2016. The term of service is four (4) years. There is a two (2) term limit. Applicants must have a disability and be a Stockton resident.

Mayor’s Task Force for Persons with Disability: A committee that renders assistance to other City boards and commissions, City staff, and private agencies on matters relating to persons with disabilities and also supports the advancement of disability rights at the local, state, and national levels. On January 17, 2017 terms for current members expire. The term for service is one (1) year and will begin January 18, 2017. There is no term limit. Applicants must be a resident of San Joaquin County.

Measure A Citizens’ Advisory Committee: A seven (7) member committee that performs duties set forth in the City of Stockton Transaction and Use Tax Ordinance for the Citizens' Advisory Committee. The City is seeking to fill four (4) vacancies on December 31, 2016. Term of service is four (4) years beginning January 1, 2017, with two (2) term limit. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, a resident of the City of Stockton, and not an employee official, vendor, contractor, or consultant of the City.

Measure W Oversight Committee: A seven (7) member Committee that assures appropriate use of Measure W sales use and tax and presents an annual report to the City Council. The City is seeking to fill three (3) vacancies in December 2016. Term of service is for two (2) years to begin January 1, 2017. There is a two (2) term limit. Members meet as needed, and there is no remuneration. Applicants must be at least 28 years of age, reside within the City’s geographic boundary, and cannot be employed by, contract, consult, or do any business with the City of Stockton.

Parks and Recreation Commission: A nine (9) member, multi-agency Commission that acts as the agent of governing boards for the City of Stockton, San Joaquin County, and Stockton, Lincoln, Lodi, and Manteca Unified School Districts. The City is seeking to fill one (1) vacancy in December 2016. Term of Service is for four (4) years to begin January 1, 2017, with a two (2) term limit. Members meet on the fourth Monday of each month, and there is no remuneration. Applicants must be residents of the city of Stockton.

Planning Commission: A seven (7) member Commission that advises and makes recommendations to the City Council on zoning, code changes, specific street and highway plans, redevelopment plans, and conformity of capital improvements with the General Plan. The City is seeking to fill four (4) vacancies representing Council Districts 2, 4, 6, and at-large in January 2017. The term of service coincides with the appointing Councilmember’s term. Members meet twice a month, and remuneration is $25 per meeting. To qualify, applicants must reside in the same district as the appointing Councilmember.

Water Advisory Group: A seven (7) member board that advises the Council Water Committee on current and future water issues impacting water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities for the City of Stockton. The City is seeking to fill four (4) vacancies representing Council Districts 2, 4, 6, and at-large in December 2016. Term of service coincides with the appointing Councilmember’s term. Members meet twice a month, and there is no remuneration. Applicants must live in one of the City of Stockton Municipal Utilities’ service areas.

For questions, please visit or contact the Office of the City Clerk at (209) 937-8459. After August 8, 2016, the City Clerk’s office will contact potential candidates with interview dates via email.

City offices are open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and every other Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. City offices are closed every other Friday and on observed holidays.

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