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Caravan News 4621

Community Services Department Recreation Division Launches Strategic Plan

 “Healthy Body. Open Mind. Balanced Life.” You’ll see and experience these values when you enjoy City of Stockton Community Centers and libraries throughout the County, or participate in any of the programs and events offered by the City of Stockton Community Services Department.

The entire department includes a County-wide library system and the City of Stockton Recreation Division.  Last year, a strategic plan was implemented for the libraries, and, just recently, a coordinated plan was rolled out that focuses on the offerings of the City’s Recreation Division.

“Development of the plan started with a process of identifying the values that we all share and a vision of how we want to grow, as a department, with the community,” shares John Alita, Community Services Director. “We surveyed members of the community, our community partners, and our staff, and we made sure that we have a very accurate picture of the rich diversity of Stockton and our needs, as a community.  From this, we developed a strategic plan that will expand and broaden partnerships and guide the programs, activities, and services that we offer, each and every day, enhancing the quality of life for everyone.”

As the plan is implemented, some of the key goals of the plan that members of the community will experience, include:

  • Improvements to the website to increase ease-of-use and visibility of programs.
  • Upgrades to the registration system to make it easier to use and add online payment options.
  • A pricing policy for recreation programs that explains how program fees are set.
  • Scholarships or reduced fees, based on income or other factors.
  • Partnering with the Stockton Police Department to develop ongoing youth programs that build community support and reduce crime.
  • A policy structure to define how non-profit organizations can partner with the Recreation Division and use available City facilities for educational or cultural events.
  • Increasing recreation programs within libraries and library programs at recreation facilities.
  • Expanding opportunities for volunteerism and community involvement in recreation programs and facility improvements and enhancements.

Significant progress has already begun in many of these areas.  For example, the summer reading program, which was traditionally a library program, is combined with recreation programs and community center activities.  Recreation Division employees now participate in Neighborhood Watch orientation sessions with the Police Department to share the programs, services and activities available through the City.

“We know the changes and improvements that we’ve implemented will be demonstrated by the life enriching experiences children, youth, adults and families have through our programs, services and events,” continued Alita.  “We are very excited about the future, and hope to engage more members of the community as consumers or volunteers.”

For more information and updates about the Community Services Department Recreation Strategic Plan, watch the video below.

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