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Cooling Zones - Places To Beat The Heat
Caravan News 3009

Cooling Zones - Places To Beat The Heat

City of Stockton Community Centers – August 15 – August 19

Extremely high temperatures are expected Monday through Friday this week. City of Stockton Community Centers will be open as cooling zones for those who need to escape the heat. Areas designated in each City of Stockton Community Center will be open during regular operational hours: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday - Friday, August 15 through August 19.

To escape the heat, please join us at any of the following Community Centers:

  • Arnold Rue Community Center – 5758 Lorraine Ave., Stockton 95210
  • Seifert Community Center – 128 W. Benjamin Holt Dr., Stockton 95207
  • Stribley Community Center – 1760 E. Sonora St., Stockton 95205
  • Van Buskirk Community Center – 734 Houston Ave., Stockton 95206

Seating will be offered in an air-conditioned area and water will be provided. Face coverings are available at the door.  Please bring books, games, and electronic devices that you and members of your household can enjoy while maintaining minimal activity level, as sports courts and equipment are often in use for programmed, scheduled activities.

For a list of cooling zones throughout San Joaquin County, please visit the San Joaquin County Office of Emergency Services website at

On days with high temperatures, please remember to take precautions. Stay indoors, keep physical activity to a minimum, drink plenty of water, and monitor those who are sensitive to the negative impacts of heat, including elderly, children, those who are ill, and pets. For other tips for dealing with extreme heat, including avoiding heat-related illness, please visit or

If you are experiencing a medical emergency such as a heart attack, stroke, difficulty breathing or altered mental status, do not delay seeking care and contact 9-1-1.

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