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Copperopolis, old and new foothills gem!
Caravan News 5775

Copperopolis, old and new foothills gem!

By Tim Viall

While Copperopolis, just 30miles east of Stockton on Highway 4 in the Sierra foothills, is known best as a copper producer, gold was discovered here in 1858 - two years before the copper discovery.  By 1974, the Madame Felix Mining District, just north of town, had produced over 200,000 ounces of gold.  In the 1980s, the Meridian Gold Company re-started the mining operation, and produced another 300,000 ounces of gold; all told, gold worth $800 million at today’s prices!
Start your tour at Copperopolis Park on the O’Brynes Ferry Road in the heart of old town, with a wealth of old mining machinery from the late 1880s to the early 20th century and outdoor displays that explain the history of the copper and gold mining days.  You’ll see old photos and history of the Old Corner Saloon, the Congregational Church, old Armory (now home to Copperopolis Olive Oil), Copperopolis Hotel and other Gold Rush-era buildings, all of them still standing.  At the south end of town (O’Brynes and Telegraph intersection), see massive tailings, the remnants of the huge copper smelter that operated here until 1929.
Then take Telegraph Road 3/4s of a mile west to the new Town Center, where a new Town Square commercial center was built five years ago.  In the heart of the center is a cute bandstand, surrounded by interesting shops and good food options such as Panini’s Italian, Griff’s BBQ, Cruisers Ice Cream and Snaps Coffee and Wine Bar.  This is a great place for kids to play on the village green and adults to window shop!  From town, scenic Lake Tulloch is just six miles south and Saddle Creek Golf Course just four miles for those golfers seeking challenge.

For a scenic route back to the Valley, take the Rock Creek Road north to Salt Springs Reservoir, with nice park and picnic area on the west shore, and continue on the road, where a one-lane, bumpy but scenic road drive brings you out at Milton in the low foothills.  Watch for wild turkey sightings on this drive, and, maybe bobcats or coyotes if you are vigilant!

Pictures above are from left to right:

1.) Copperopolis Park on the O’Bryne’s Ferry road has a wealth of old mining machinery, informative history displays and picnic tables
2.) The old Copperopolis Hotel, once a stop for folks headed to the mines, is just a block north of the Park.
3.) Copperopolis Town Center has several excellent restaurants and a dozen quaint shops;  weekend activities for family fun are scheduled throughout spring and summer!  (see

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