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Council Name Interim As City Manager
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Council Name Interim As City Manager

Kurt Wilson Named Stockton’s New City Manager

Stockton’s Mayor Anthony Silva opened tonight’s meeting with the announcement that Interim City Manager Kurt Wilson has been selected to become the new City Manager for the City of Stockton, stating, “I am honored to nominate an extremely qualified individual who represents continuity, fairness, diversity and professionalism.  This is truly a fresh start for our city.  Working together, our possibilities are endless.”

Councilmember Kathy Miller stated that she is extremely pleased that Mr. Wilson will continue in the permanent role as City Manager.  “Sometimes finding the very best candidate does not require an outside search.  Mr. Wilson is an outstanding City Manager.  He is familiar with the organization, up to speed on our bankruptcy, and he provides the leadership that the City needs at this time.”

Mr. Wilson joined the City of Stockton as a Deputy City Manager on September 4, 2012, overseeing the operational departments of Community Development, Economic Development, Public Works and Municipal Utilities, and he has served as Interim City Manager since November 1, 2013.  Prior to joining the City of Stockton, he was City Manager of Ridgecrest, California, and also served in local government in both San Bernardino and Rialto.  In addition to an extensive background in the private sector, he served in the Schwarzenegger administration as the Chief of External Affairs for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and the Executive Director of Corrections Standards Authority, which is also known as the Board of State and Community Corrections.

“Beyond the headlines, Stockton is a great place to work, filled with caring people who want the best for this community,” said City Manager Wilson.  “As we work together, we will overcome our challenges and restore this great city to the level our citizens deserve. From finances to public safety, I’m proud of our accomplishments, and I look forward to leading the City through the final stage of bankruptcy and into recovery.”

Councilmember Elbert Holman agreed that the best person for the position was already serving as the Interim City Manager.  “I’ve had the opportunity to watch Mr. Wilson, first as a Deputy City Manager, then as Interim City Manager, and I have found his professionalism, knowledge and understanding of Stockton’s issues impressive.  I am confident that the City can move to the next level under his leadership.”

Mr. Wilson holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Administration and a Master of Business Administration from University of La Verne and a Master of Education from California Coast University.  He is married and has three children.

His annual salary will be $240,000.

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