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Councilmember Fugazi Community Office Hours
Caravan News 3991

Councilmember Fugazi Community Office Hours

Councilmember Christina Fugazi, District 5, will hold community office hours on June 16, 18, and 23.  All members of the community are welcome and encouraged to drop in for one-on-one discussions.

–     Tuesday, June 16:  11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Cesar Chavez Library
–     Thursday, June 18:  3 to 5 p.m. at Maya Angelou Library
–     Tuesday, June 23:  10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Troke Library  

Councilmember Fugazi represents Council District 5, which extends north to Smith Canal and Harding Way; west to the San Joaquin River; east to Airport Way and out to State Route 99, along the Union Pacific Railroad tracks; and south to Eighth Street west of Interstate 5 and south to Martin Luther King (MLK), Jr., Boulevard east of Interstate 5. District 5 also includes a portion of Stockton south of MLK Boulevard, along Mariposa Road, that extends across State Route 99.

The district includes the Victory Park area and downtown Stockton, as well. For additional information about the Councilmember and her district, visit or call (209) 937-8244. To find out more about your address and the Councilmember representing you, please visit And to share City events, visit

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