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Crosstown Freeway closures in Stockton
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Crosstown Freeway closures in Stockton

Caltrans Embarking on Major Rehabilitation Project on Crosstown Freeway

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will begin a project, “The Crosstown Big Fix,” a collection of major rehabilitation work taking place on the State Route 4 (SR-4) Crosstown Freeway in Stockton, between Interstate 5 (I-5) and SR-99. 

Work is scheduled between April and December of 2016.  A total of four major projects will take place on the Crosstown Freeway during this time-frame.

  • SR-4 Bridge Deck Treatment
  • SR-4 Automated Warning Sign Installation
  • SR-4 Crosstown Viaduct Bridge Repair
  • Extreme Maintenance

The projects will enhance future safety and traffic operations by renovating the bridges on the Crosstown Freeway which includes replacing worn hinge bearing pads, installing new joint seals and sealing the bridge decks. Automated warning systems will be installed which include closed circuit TV’s and electronic changeable message signs to alert drivers of upcoming hazards.  Our maintenance crew will perform several maintenance functions such as; graffiti removal, debris and litter abatement, and landscaping.

The majority of the work will take place during the night-time hours, however eight 55-hour weekend closures will be required between April 29 – October 24. One direction per weekend of the Crosstown Freeway will be closed at a time for rehabilitation.   By performing weekend closures it will save 50 working days of construction and reduce lane closures from 140 days to 15 days. I-5 and SR-99 traffic will be redirected to detours and alternate routes at SR-120 and SR-12.

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