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Delta Board Completes Excellence in Trusteeship Program
Caravan News 4719

Delta Board Completes Excellence in Trusteeship Program

Training Assists Institutional and Student Success

Delta College recognized board members Dr. Catherine Mathis and Jennet Stebbins for fulfilling the Excellence in Trusteeship Program at the college's June 14 board meeting.

The Excellence in Trusteeship Program facilitates the ongoing education of all California Community Colleges trustees by providing a solid foundation for effective board governance and leadership. The goal: Institutional and student success. Training is achieved through Community College League of California (CCLC) events, local board training, and Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) conferences and webinars.

Certificates of accomplishment were presented by Trustee Teresa Brown. "An educated and well-informed governing board is the foundation of a successful community college. Completion of the Excellence in Trusteeship Program assists us in our governance of Delta College and the inclusive success of the students we serve."

Delta’s entire board has completed the Excellence in Trusteeship Program, making it the second board in the state, and first seven-member board to accomplish this distinction. Congratulations all!

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