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Delta Center for the Arts Concerts for Kids presents jazzREACH Metta Quintet and The Brubeck Institute Jazz Quintet

Free General Admission with Reservation

Delta Center for the Arts Concerts for Kids program in partnership with The Brubeck Institute presents jazzREACH Metta Quintet and The Brubeck Institute Jazz Quintet. Program funding is provided by the Stockton Arts Commission Arts Endowment Grant, San Joaquin Delta College Division of Arts and Communication, and The Brubeck Institute.

jazzREACH Metta Quintet performs live multi-media educational programs that are highly immersive and interactive, and are as entertaining as they are informative. Performances actively engage audiences in an analysis of:

• cultural factors that have come together to make jazz such a compelling art form

• social conditions that shaped the music's development

• the immense impact jazz has had on the sound and evolution of indigenous American music

The members of the Brubeck Institute Jazz Quintet (BIJQ) are in the Institute's Fellowship Program, an intensive program in jazz performance for five musicians who have just graduated from high school. The Brubeck Fellows become members of the BIJQ.

Winners of numerous DownBeat awards, including the 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 awards for best collegiate jazz group in the country, the BIJQ has performed on the Monterey Jazz Festival, Playboy Jazz Festival, Brubeck Festival, Detroit International Jazz Festival, and others, and have done concerts in California, New York, Washington, Florida, Texas, Chicago, Toronto, Minneapolis, Washington DC, and on a State Department tour in Spain. The BIJQ also presents clinics and performances in schools throughout the country.

The BIJQ have also performed in jazz clubs such as Yoshi's in Oakland, Herb Alpert's club Vibrato in Los Angeles, Blues Alley in Washington DC, the Dakota in Minneapolis, and the Jamboree Jazz Club in Barcelona. They have also performed at the annual conference of the International Association for Jazz Education, and at the First Annual Jazz Education Network conference in St. Louis, MO.

The 2013-2014 BIJQ members include: Max Boiko, Trumpet, from Fort Lauderdale, FL; Joel Ross, Vibraphones, from Chicago, IL; Sean Britt, Guitar, from Hingham, MA; Sarah Kuo, Bass, from Los Angeles, CA; Jalon D'Mere Archie, Drums, from Houston, TX.


Program funds provide FREE ADMISSION for San Joaquin District Schools Grades K-12 and for Families living in San Joaquin County. Schools are asked to Jan Marlese at [email protected] for School Seat Reservations. Seating is assigned in blocks by order of reservation for students, teachers and chaperons.

Family Concerts are Free General Admission with ticket, reserved through the Box Office now through February 7, and limited to 6 per patron. Ticket holders must be seated by 7:15pm. DCA staff reserves the right to give unclaimed seats to non-ticket holders after 7:15pm.


February 7, 2014
9am –10am (School Groups K-6)
11am –12pm (School Groups 5-12)
7:30pm Family Concert

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