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Delta College Board Approves Resolution in Support of Prop 55
Caravan News 3863

Delta College Board Approves Resolution in Support of Prop 55

Delta College’s Board of Trustees unanimously approved a resolution in support of Proposition 55 - The Children’s Education and Health Care Protection Act of 2016, at their Tuesday, September 13 regular meeting.

Proposition 55 extends 2012’s Proposition 30 revenue increases, set to expire in 2018. Prop 55 prevents the state from making cuts to local school districts and puts new revenue into a specific fund to ensure funding for schools and community colleges.

Delta College Board President Claudia Moreno says fully funding education and protecting California students is a top priority. “Prop 55 prevents nearly $4 billion in funding cuts to public education and protects other vital services, like children’s health care. Prop 55 does not raise taxes on anyone; it simply maintains the current income tax rates on the wealthiest Californians. A ‘Yes’ vote for Prop 55 is a ‘Yes’ vote for the future of California.”

Delta’s Board feels the recent recession was a “challenge” for California public education, and that extending Prop 30 with a vote for Prop 55 will demonstrate California’s commitment to education and opportunity for students.

Californians will vote on Proposition 55 during the November 8, 2016, General Election.

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