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Delta College Drama presents “Kiss Me Kate” Friday, May 8, 2015 @ 8PM
Caravan News 7216

Delta College Drama presents “Kiss Me Kate” Friday, May 8, 2015 @ 8PM

This musical, written by Cole Porter, is the musical version of William Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew.”

What do you get when you combine Shakespeare’s classic battle of the sexes with the iconic music of Cole Porter? A hilarious, melodious and sophisticated romp that you won’t forget.

This is a play-within-a-play-within-a-play where each cast member’s on-stage life is complicated by what is happening offstage and includes some of musical theatre’s most famous songs such as Too Darn Hot, Brush Up Your Shakespeare, I Hate Men and Another Op’nin, Another Show.

The Delta drama department’s production will view the work through a new lens reminding audiences why it is, without a doubt, one of the great classics of the American musical theatre.

Directed by Greg Foro
Adult: $12
Students/Seniors 62+: $10
Order tickets online at the box office!

Friday, May 8th @ 8PM
Saturday, May 9th @ 8PM
Sunday, May 10th @ 8PM
Friday, May 15th @ 8PM
Saturday, May 16th @ 8PM
Sunday, May 17th @ 8PM

Contact: [email protected]


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