Delta College's POST Academy Intensive Class 37 graduated 48 cadets on Wednesday, July 13. The ceremony was held at Delta's Atherton Auditorium.
As always, the auditorium was packed with family, friends, Delta staff and representatives from local police agencies. The guest speaker was Tod Patterson, Chief of Lodi PD. Cadet awards and recognition certificates were presented by POST Academy staff, and Sgt. Ben Lee of Stockton PD. Class 37 president, Kenneth Rock, was the featured cadet speaker.
The graduation highlighted oaths and pinning ceremonies for 28 cadets who were hired by seven local police agencies: Calaveras Sheriff’s Office (2); CA Dept. of Public Health (1); Gustine PD (1); Lodi PD (3); Modesto PD(1); Stockton Unified PD (2), and Stockton PD (18).
POST Intensive is a six-month, all-day training program. The hours are 7am - 4pm, Saturdays thru Wednesdays. More Info - Delta College POST Academy
Graduates finished the ceremony by reciting the traditional Law Enforcement Code of Ethics

Stockton PD hired 18 POST Academy cadets from Class 37

Kenneth Rock, Class 37 President