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Caravan News 4278

Delta College Seeks Applicants for Measure L Bond Citizens' Oversight Committee

San Joaquin Delta College is seeking applications from qualified citizens to fill four open positions on its Measure L Bond Citizens' Oversight Committee (COC):

AT-LARGE REPRESENTATIVES       (2 positions)
BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE           (1 position)

The COC is responsible for reviewing expenditures related to the College’s $250 million general obligation bond, Measure L, which was approved by voters on March 2, 2004. The Citizens’ Oversight Committee consists of at least nine members. Committee members must reside in the San Joaquin Delta Community College District, be at least 18 years old, and may not be an employee, vendor, contractor or consultant for the District.

Committee responsibilities will include: Reviewing quarterly expenditure reports produced by the District, informing the public concerning the District’s expenditure of bond proceeds, and presenting an annual report to the Board of Trustees.

Applications and documentation for these Committee positions are available on the College web site:

Interested applicants may attend an informational workshop on Thursday, September 5, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. in the San Joaquin Delta College Board Room (Horton Administration Building, Room 103), 5151 Pacific Avenue, Stockton.

Candidate applications must be received in the Superintendent/President’s Office (Administration 103) by 5:00 p.m., Friday, September 13, 2013. It is anticipated that the Board of Trustees will make these Committee appointments at the Tuesday, October 15 board meeting.

Click Below for links to the COC Membership Application, Application Timeline, and COC Bylaws - Links coming soon!


- Application (PDF)
- Timeline (PDF)
- Citizens' Oversight Committee Bylaws (PDF)

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