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Disasters Don't Plan Ahead: You Can!
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Disasters Don't Plan Ahead: You Can!

San Joaquin Count Public Health Services Promotes Disaster Preparedness

September is National Preparedness Month! Disaster preparedness can prevent an unexpected emergency situation from becoming worse. Public Health officials urge you to know about risks, be informed, make a plan, build a kit and get prepared for disasters that may occur in your area. Plan for and use the all-hazards approach to be READY for any event.

Residents should know the community’s warning system and emergency alerts and how to get accurate information and updates whether it is through traditional or social media. When preparing for your family’s needs, consider everyone’s needs, the young, elderly, those with special needs and pets. You should have a plan in place that identifies where you will reunite if separated from each other and how you will contact each other if power is lost.

This year San Joaquin County Public Health Services (PHS) is promoting awareness of preparedness for children, pets and large animals. See our website ( for more information on upcoming events.

You should be READY to be self-sufficient for at least 3 days. Create a 72-hour “Shelter-in-Place” kit with the following supplies:

  • water, one gallon per day per person for three days – that would be 12 gallons of water stored for a family of four
  • non-perishable food and a manual can opener
  • flashlights, radio and extra batteries
  • blankets
  • clothing
  • cash
  • first aid supplies

Our pets are like family members. Have a pet kit READY to go with your pet’s name and picture, a pet carrier/kennel, food, water dish, leash and medical records. Consider having a “Go-kit” if you need to evacuate and if you have a vehicle, practice keeping your gas tank near full and your mobile phones charged. Visit, and for more information in multiple languages.

Lastly, once you have plans in place, review them regularly so you’ll know what to do if a disaster should strike. No matter what type of disaster, it’s important to be prepared. With the right knowledge and supplies you will be READY to help yourself and your family to be prepared. According to Tammy Evans, Director of San Joaquin County Public Health Services, “Recent events in California and our region including floods and wildfires make it very clear that each of us needs to do advance planning to help ourselves, our family and the community be prepared for all-hazard emergencies or disasters through planning and making daily healthy

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