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Food Bank Board of Directors Names Ray Call as Interim Director
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Food Bank Board of Directors Names Ray Call as Interim Director

The Emergency Food Bank Stockton/San Joaquin Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Mr. Ray Call has accepted the position of Interim Executive Director for the Emergency Food Bank. Ray’s primary focus during this transition time with the Emergency Food Bank is to find the most qualified leader to assume the Executive Director position that was left vacant with the untimely passing of Mike Donaghy.

Ray has had extensive success working with nonprofits in leadership positions including the Child Abuse Prevention Council (President of the Board, the Auxiliary, and the Foundation), YMCA and the City of Stockton Annual United Way Campaign. Ray was instrumental in creating the Child Abuse Prevention Council Foundation and recently was honored with the Sandra Butler Smith award for his dedication to working with CAPC to help reduce child abuse. He earned his undergraduate degree from University of San Francisco in Organizational Behavior and he has a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Chapman University where he also earned two certificates (Managing Nonprofits and Organizational Development). He also has earned a Nonprofit Management and Management Certificate in Public Leadership from UOP and is certified as a personal coach. Ray teaches Organizational Behavior, Management, Leadership, Compensation and Benefits, Marketing and Human Resources at Humphrey’s College. He is a North Stockton Rotarian, and was the President in 2015 and is currently District Governor. He has been married to Joanna for 32 years and has two sons, Tyler (28) and Mason (27) years of age.

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