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Free Flu Vaccine Clinics/Mass Vaccination
Caravan News 6369

Free Flu Vaccine Clinics/Mass Vaccination

Fall is the start of flu season.  It’s not too soon to get the flu vaccine. It’s the right time! Getting the flu vaccine as soon as it becomes available each year is always a good idea, and the protection you get from the vaccination will last throughout the flu season. Another important reminder is that the influenza vaccine takes two weeks to be at its highest effectiveness.  San Joaquin County Public Health Services (PHS) recommends getting your flu vaccine now, before the holidays come with all the many gatherings of people you may encounter.

PHS is offering Free Flu Vaccine Clinics at various community sites for everyone 9 years of age and older.  These free clinics are offered for two (2) days only at three specific sites on October 28 and three others on October 29, from 10 am until 2pm or until the vaccine supply lasts (see attached schedule of days and locations.)  In addition to providing a valuable health service to the under-resourced, these clinics will serve as a realtime exercise of the emergency response plans for any future occurrence that would require mass public vaccination or similar intervention. 

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