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Caravan News 3924

Free Genealogy Workshop for Beginners

On Saturday, October 26, at 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., the Margaret Troke Branch Library will host a Genealogy Workshop for Beginners!   

Presenter Sally Spenker, retired high school history teacher, will talk about Women: Immigration and Naturalization Process in the United States.

Immigration and naturalization laws have gone through many changes in the United States due to the fear of racial groups, the need to control societal behavior, and the need to control economic opportunities.  When researching your ancestor(s), it is important to know the laws pertaining to naturalization that existed when they were alive, the economic and social climate, and to remember that what we believe today may not be what was believed in the past. This useful information will help you with your genealogy research!

Space is limited! Those interested in attending this workshop must sign-up at the Troke Branch Library Information Desk or call (209) 937-8221. Participants may bring their own laptops and use the Library’s free WiFi!

Continue learning about technology by checking out books, reviewing online databases, and searching the Internet - all for free at your local public library!

This free program is provided through the generosity of the San Joaquin Genealogical Society and the Friends of the Stockton Public Library.  The Margaret K. Troke Branch Library is a part of the Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library and is located at 502 W. Benjamin Holt Dr in Stockton.  For more information, call 209-937-8221 or (866) 805-7323 (READ) (COUNTY).

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