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Free Laptops from Comcast Digital Connectors Training Course
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Free Laptops from Comcast Digital Connectors Training Course

El Concilio is elated to announce the arrival of the new laptops contributed by Comcast for the students graduating from El Concilio’s Comcast Digital Connectors course, a computer science and technology course provided for young adults. The first class is scheduled to graduate on June 10th, 2014 at 5:00 PM.

The Comcast Digital Connectors course was made possible by a grant to El Concilio from Comcast to provide computer technology training for youth between the ages of 14 and 21 years of age. The course meets twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the El Concilio Community Center from 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM. The class has approximately twenty-two students. Comcast Digital Connectors was created to help low-income communities understand the benefits of using broadband, and making it part of their lives.

Students who attended the course learned from six modules presented. “Four of the six modules specialized in Computer Literacy, Leadership, Financial literacy, and Community Service”, according to Alberto Aguilar, course instructor.  Students also benefited from public speaking experience and exposure to new information and technology. Aguilar said, “This course provides students with real world relatable experiences.” Instructor experience a whole different level.

Students took a field trip to Intel Museum, where they learned how processors work. Students were also able to take a field trip to the Tech Museum of Innovation, where they learned about all kinds of technologies from all over the world, and how they are used in different places. The Tech Museum is home to the biggest IMAX on the west coast where students were treated to a short film about space.

Adrianna Canela, student 20: “I enjoyed the course, and was a little overwhelmed because I had very little knowledge of computers. It opened windows and doors for me. Computer technology is more complex than people think. I liked how the exams tested my knowledge and the financial literacy modules helped me learn how to manage money, save, and how to look out for financial predators. It was more than I thought it was going to be.” Daniel Beltran, 18: “I think this course will impact my future a lot. By taking the A+ certification I was able to see what kind of work an IT does and what to expect in the field.” Canela was asked what she would like to say to the providers of the course and responded by saying, “Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to take this class and helping me to be successful in the future.

”To learn more about how you can contribute to this collaborative effort, please contact El Concilio-Council for the Spanish Speaking at (209) 644-2600.


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