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Friends at the Fox's Present Classic Movie: Rear Window
Caravan News 4559

Friends at the Fox's Present Classic Movie: Rear Window

The suspense classic “Rear Window” will play at the Fox/Bob Hope Theatre on Sunday, February 28, doors open at 1PM, as James Stewart works to uncover a mystery while looking out his apartment window.  “Rear Window will be the second film in our Hitchcock mini-festival (following “The Birds” in January) and has been acclaimed by Rotten Tomatoes as the #1 Suspense/Mystery movie OF ALL TIME .

After breaking his leg, professional photographer Jeff Jeffries (Jimmy Stewart) is confined in a wheelchair in his apartment and spends the days and nights looking out his rear window where he sees many things, including a possible murder!  Grace Kelly plays his girlfriend who becomes immersed in the mystery herself.  It was nominated for 4 Academy Awards in 1954, including Best Director for Alfred Hitchcock.

In addition to the movie, Art Expressions of San Joaquin will be displaying their art in the lobby.  Dave Moreno will be at the Mighty Morton organ starting at 1:30 pm and our master of ceremonies, Matias Bombal bringing us the movie at 2 pm.

Complimentary water/wine/soda/snacks are included.  Tickets are $8 for adults; $4 for children and students with IDs; a FlexPack of 10 tickets can be purchased for $60 (only $6 per ticket!).  Click here to purchase tickets.

More Information:

Location: Bob Hope Theatre
Address: 242 E. Main St., Stockton, 95202
More Info: Phone: 209-373-1400 Tickets: 1-800-745-3000
Date: 2/28/2016 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Cost: Tickets are $8 for adults; $4 for children and students with IDs

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