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Go ahead and have some!
Caravan News 12916

Go ahead and have some!

by Steve

Biggest Loser - Day 12:

Good ahead and have some cookies!  They may not be for those trying to lose weight but for the many others around us, they shouldn't have to worry about eating them in front of us.  Remember, if you're really serious about losing weight, you should have committed to yourself that it's OK for others to enjoy the things they like without you having to eat those treats as well.  I actually prefer when people eat the things they like to eat without worry too much about offending me.  That frees me up to eat how I want and today, that means a healthier, balanced diet.  That doesn't mean that I won't take a bite of something "non-diet" items every now and then but it isn't the same as when I wouldn't stop at just one bite or even one item.

Remember to treat yourself from time to time.  Have you enjoyed some of the delicous fruits available with just a squirt of whipped topping.  That's just a small portion though of topping.  You know you want to smother it but you'll be better off if you don't. 

I've come across these Healthy Choice fudge bars and what a treat!  I'm not promoting them but they are only 100 calories, not many carbs and low sugars.  You decide what works for you and go for it.

Be careful not to psych yourself out thinking because you're eating something low in calories that means you can eat more of something maybe not so good such as pizza.  In fact, a study showed that people who drank a regular soda with pizza ate less pizza than someone who drank a diet soda and then "made up for it" by having TWO slices of pizza.  In their minds, the calories saved from the soda could afford them the opportunity to eat more of something else!  Wish it worked that way but it doesn't sad to say.

So, today was a good one with my usual Special K and strawberries breakfast, some leftover turkey spaghetti with angel hair pasta, and for dinner, some salmon and a spinach salad with sliced beets.  I could have put lots of other good things on it, but after the gym, I was beat! (No pun intended!) :)

At Planet Fitness, the gym I joined, the people at the counter are always smiling with a friendly hello and it's amazing how a smile can put you in a good mood to workout after a long day at work.  There are a variety of other gyms and workout places and they are good, but for me, this one cost only $10 and is really convenient. After 45 minutes of a good walk on the treadmill, my legs were sore and it felt great!  No I'm not into pain but this kind, just feels good because I know I'm accomplishing something.

That's about it for today except to say thanks for the many people with a kind word or support and your inspiring examples of losing weight yourselves.

Have a great day and good luck.  I know you can do it!

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