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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce 2014 Installation Dinner
Caravan News 5274

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce 2014 Installation Dinner

Photo courtesy of Tim Ulmer, Ulmer Photo

On June 26, members of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce celebrated the installment of their new Board of Directors and Officers for the 2014-2015 fiscal year.

The evening included the swearing in of our new President, Blain Bibb of ServiceMaster Building Maintenance. Thank you to all the outgoing and new Board Members and Officers for your hard work! And thank you to UlmerPhoto Tim for the great pictures!

Photo above is the new President Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Building Maintenance, presents outgoing President Steve Crabtree, Herum\Crabtree Attorneys with his outgoing plaque. — with Blain Bibb at Stockton Golf And Country Club.

Photos courtesy of Tim Ulmer, Ulmer Photo.

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