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Habitat for Humanity of San Joaquin County New Home Dedication

Habitat for Humanity of San Joaquin County (HFHSJ) is happy to announce the dedication of new a home for one of their deserving families. A dedication ceremony will be held on June 6, 2015 from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm at 4377 Highbridge Lane, Stockton.

Habitat for Humanity is inviting the public to join them for the home dedication for their newest homeowners, the Mahammod family. The day will include an introduction by HFHSJ Board President John Shores and a few words from the new homeowners. Attendees will be given tours of the home before a barbecue lunch.

Habitat for Humanity of San Joaquin County builds roughly four new homes a year for deserving families throughout San Joaquin County. “We at Habitat for Humanity of San Joaquin are dedicated to building beautiful, safe and affordable homes for well-qualified, lower-income families to buy,” said Michael Huber, executive director of HFHSJ. Huber says, “We offer a hand up, not a handout, to proud, hard-working families whose income limits preclude the dream of homeownership on the open market. We are very proud of the fact that our homes are built exclusively with volunteer labor. Programs like San Joaquin County Department of Education’s Youth Build and California Human Development as well as individual volunteers and groups.” Visit their website for more information.

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