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Help Plan for Bikes: Share Your Ideas for Making Stockton a Bike-Friendly City
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Help Plan for Bikes: Share Your Ideas for Making Stockton a Bike-Friendly City

Join us at one of three cycling workshops.  We need your feedback on:

  • key cycling destinations,
  • important facility types,
  • priority areas for bicycle network, and
  • any barriers to cycling in Stockton. 

Also, offer feedback on the interactive map at or text YES to 209-852-4868 with suggestions on bike paths and routes in Stockton.

The City of Stockton Bicycle Master Plan was approved by the Stockton City Council in 2007, as part of the overall General Plan 2035 update.  The City's current network of existing bicycle facilities offers about 100 miles of off-street trails and paths, as well as on-street bicycle facilities.

Public Engagement

Your feedback makes Stockton a better place to bike. 

Wednesday, December 2
Stribley Community Center | 1760 E. Sonora St.
Thursday, December 3
Civic Auditorium – South Hall | 525 N. Center St.
Wednesday, December 9

Arnold Rue Community Center | 5758 Lorraine Ave.

All workshops are from 5:30-8:00PM. Registration & refreshments at 5:30 pm | Meetings start at 6:00 pm.
➧Children are welcome.
➧Light refreshments will be provided.
➧Events will be held in Spanish and English.
➧Bike racks are available on site.

Interactive Map for Comments

Bicycle Survey

  • Text "Yes" to 209-852-4868 and answer a few questions about bicycling in Stockton. 

For more information, contact the Public Works Department.

Bike Routes

Existing Bikeway Map (PDF)

Future Bikeway Map (PDF)

Bicycle Master Plan – 2015 Update

Project Fact Sheet

The City is in the process of updating the Bicycle Master Plan through a grant received from the Active Transportation Program. The plan will support:

  • local and regional goals for sustainable mobility and growth,
  • ensure the next phase of bicycle infrastructure improvements are feasible and fundable, and 
  • develop a plan for safe, connected, efficient, and convenient bicycle network that serves residents, schools, employers, transit stations, and other local destinations. 


  • Usable north-south/east-west bicycle route network with separated bicycle lanes,
  • Candidate streets for reduced traffic capacity to create enhanced bicycle space or bicycle boulevards, and 
  • An active bicycle environment that contributes to a healthier and more active community. 

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