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Caravan News 3051

Immigration: Comprehensive immigration Reform with a Pathway to Citizenship

The United States of America and especially the state of California benefit from the hard labor of undocumented immigrants. The majority of immigrants in California are working in agriculture, construction, or the service industry. To keep our economy strong we must pass a comprehensive immigration reform - with a pathway to citizenship.

In the heart of California is the San Joaquin Valley - the state's top agricultural producing region. Supplying food worldwide, this region primarily depends on and employs an immigrant labor work force to pick crops, package product, prepare food, and a number of other jobs. Without a comprehensive immigration reform, the stability of our agricultural economy will be jeopardized.

Currently there are 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. The immigration issue is no longer about individuals. It is about families. It is about giving them respect. Parents and children are torn apart as they are separated from one another, then deported back to their country. The immigration issue is not unique to one country. Dreaming for a better life in America, people come from China, Germany, Mexico and the Philippines, to name a few.

Many undocumented immigrants have been waiting 20 to 30 years for an opportunity to buy a safe, decent, clean home. Many families come to our agency seeking affordable housing, only to have their dreams shattered. Why? Because, of the limitations to obtain a loan due to their legal status. They have been unable to establish a credit history. In addition, many are victims of scams when they cash their paychecks. Trust becomes an issue. Often, undocumented immigrants are afraid to leave their homes in fear of being deported, ultimately leading to separation from their families. The immigration process is broken.

For this reason Visionary Home Builders of California, Inc., has joined other local and national non-profit organizations such as the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) in the effort to advocate for immigration reform.

Now is the time for comprehensive immigration reform - with a pathway to citizenship.

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