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Introducing the newest member of the Micke Grove Zoo family!
Caravan News 7355

Introducing the newest member of the Micke Grove Zoo family!

Prevost's Squirrel, Kai, joins Micke Grove Zoo

Micke Grove Zoo is thrilled to announce the newest member to our family, "Kai" the Prevost's Squirrel, now on display in our Tropical Canopy! Kai is a one and a half year old male from the Los Angeles Zoo. Like many young men, he is quite adventurous and bold, and loves his snacks...particularly fruit.

Prevost's squirrels have been housed at the Micke Grove Zoo since 1984, and over the past 35 years, 20 squirrel pups have been born here. When these pups sexually matured, they were sent to other zoos.

Prevost's squirrels are found in the tropical rainforests of southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia). Free-ranging populations of the species have lost large expanses of their home range habitat to private plantations. Prevost's squirrels are also captured for the pet trade. These human pressures have resulted in depleting wild populations of the species increasing their risk of becoming extinct. Zoos contribute to the survival of this species by breeding them in captivity to maintain self-sustaining captive populations and for reintroduction programs if the need arises in the future.

Micke Grove Zoo, part of Micke Grove Regional Park, is open daily. Zoo hours are 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., last admission at 4:30 p.m. Zoo admission is $5 for adults, $3 for children over two years of age. Vehicle entry to Micke Grove Park is $5 weekdays and $6 weekends and most holidays. Micke Grove Park and Zoo is located off Armstrong Road, west of Highway 99, between Stockton and Lodi. For additional information call 209-331-7270.

For more information, please contact Zoo Curator Avanti Mallapur at (209) 331-2011.

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