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Caravan News 4512

Join the "Walk and Roll to School" Events scheduled for May.

  • Groups will be walking or rolling to school with a purpose – to promote health, safety, physical activity and concern for the environment.

    May 6th is “National Bike to School Day.” In celebration of this, students from four Stockton elementary schools will be walking or rolling to school along with parents, teachers, friends, families and community leaders during special events scheduled for each school.

    Today, fewer children walk to school and more children are at risk of becoming overweight. Changing the behavior of children and adults requires creative solutions and people willing to be “champions for change” in their communities. Walking regularly can be especially challenging for working parents, those with children at multiple schools, and parents with mobility issues.

    Group trips to school can be made a lot easier when local parents, relatives, and community members take turns sharing responsibilities.  Implementing a “Walking School Bus” or “Bike Train” (i.e., when groups of children walk or ride to school together accompanied by adult volunteers) can be a safe, fun, and healthy solution for children and adults.

    The events are being organized by the San Joaquin County Public Health Services (PHS) Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention (NEOP) program staff in collaboration with the schools. These energizing events remind everyone of the simple joys of walking, riding and rolling safely to school with family and friends. Upon arrival at their school, students will receive the school breakfast along with a presentation by NEOP staff about making healthier nutrition and physical activity choices.  For additional event information, please Contact Ingrid Glenn at 209-468-3868. Maps of the routes to each school can be found by visiting the PHS website at  


    Elementary School-  Date- Start Time- Starting Location- Arrive at School-
    -Rio Calaveras    Wednesday, May 6  8:12 am Arnold Rue Community Center 8:40 am  
    -Fremont        Thursday, May 7  7:23 am  Fremont & “E” Streets  7:40 am  
    -Wilson         Friday, May 8  7:10 am  Arcade & California Streets  7:30 am  
    -King           Friday, May 15  6:40 am  Main & Lafayette Streets  7:10 am

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