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Kids College Announces its Summer Program
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Kids College Announces its Summer Program

Kids benefit in so many ways when they are active and engaged in learning during the summer.  Kids College provides opportunities for children and teens (ages 3-17) to improve skills, discover new interests, get excited about learning, explore possible careers, and have some fun!  

This valuable program, part of the Community Education Department at Delta College,  offers a wide variety of individual educational and enrichment (not-for-credit) classes.  Just when other programs are being cut, Kids College will provide 85 wonderful summer workshops and mini-camps in the areas of Academic Skills & Creative Learning, Arts & Crafts, Computers & Photography, Cooking, Dance, Foreign & Sign Language, Music, Online Learning, Science & Engineering, Sports, and Acting & Performing.

Detailed information about the Kids College summer classes, schedules, and fees are available online:  Summer registration begins on Monday, May 20, at 8:00 a.m.  Kids College class sizes are small (typically 10-12 students) and can fill quickly, so prompt registration is encouraged. 

New classes begin each week from June 17-July 25. For more information, contact Beverley Dierking, Kids College Coordinator, at 209-954-5015 or [email protected].

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