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Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck Inc. announces promotions
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Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck Inc. announces promotions

Chris Neudeck, Company President Jeff Mueller and Elizabeth Schlegel, Associate Principals

Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck Inc. (KSN) is excited to announce the appointment of Chris Neudeck to Company President of KSN, and the promotion of Jeff Mueller, P.E., and Elizabeth Schlegel, PE, DBIA, F.ASCE, to Associate Principals.

Chris Neudeck has been providing civil engineering services since 1982 in the areas of planning, design, and construction of a wide variety of water resource and public works related projects. As a principal in the firm of Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck, Inc., Chris is responsible for planning, designing, estimating, contracting, managing, and supervising projects undertaken by the firm. Chris is a recognized authority on water resources in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. His experience as District Engineer for multiple reclamation districts has provided him with the experience of managing numerous sheet pile slope stabilization projects throughout the Delta region. In his new role as Company President, Chris will continue to use his experience and knowledge to lead KSN Civil Engineers & Land Surveyors as the company grows.

Jeff Mueller joined KSN in 2001 as a civil engineering intern student as part of the University of Pacific’s Cooperative Education (CO-OP) Program. Since that time, he has grown into one of KSN’s leading civil engineers in the areas of flood control, water resources, and flood emergency response, and is the project and program manager for multi-disciplinary design teams. Jeff is a California licensed Civil Engineer, and a member of several professional organizations including the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Floodplain Management Association (FMA), Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM), and the San Joaquin Engineers Council (SJEC) where he currently serves as Scholarship Committee Chair.

In his new role as Associate Principal, Jeff will continue to use his design management experience and leadership skills to develop and deliver projects for KSN’s clients and take on additional firm management responsibilities. After growing through the ranks at KSN from student intern to Associate Principal, Jeff is ideally suited to help develop the next generation of KSN leaders.

​Elizabeth Schlegel joined KSN in 2005 as a civil engineering intern student as part of the University of Pacific’s Cooperative Education (CO-OP) Program. Since that time, she has grown into one of KSN’s leading civil engineers in the areas of site design, institutional, and utilities, and is a project and program manager for multi-disciplinary design teams. Elizabeth is a licensed Civil Engineer (California and Washington), DBIA Certified, an ASCE Fellow, and a long-time member of her alma mater's Civil Engineering Department Industrial Advisory Board.

In her new role as Associate Principal, Elizabeth will continue to develop and deliver projects for KSN’s clients and will take on additional firm management responsibilities.  After going through the ranks at KSN from student intern to Associate Principal, Elizabeth is ideally suited to help develop the next generation of KSN leaders.

We are excited that Jeff, Elizabeth, and Chris will be leading KSN as we continue to grow. Each of these individuals are instrumental to the firm’s continued success.

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