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Library announces One Book One San Joaquin Program
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Library announces One Book One San Joaquin Program

Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library is proud to feature three titles from author Garth Stein as the featured books for our 2015 One Book, One San Joaquin program!


: Build A Dog Project!

If you could create the perfect dog, what would it look like? What characteristics would your dog have? What would you call your very best dog? In support of the One Book, One San Joaquin selection, "The Art of Racing in the Rain", the Angelou Branch Library will host the "Build Your Best Dog Contest".

Children of all ages are invited to use their creative maker skills to construct their best dog through any medium. Examples of media are a written description such as a story, a visual description such as a picture or comic strip, or a 3D object built by the creator.

Please submit your entries to the Maya Angelou Library by Thursday, October 1 at 5:00pm. Prizes will be awarded in several categories, and all Best Dogs will be on display inside the library.

Meet the Author of This Year's "One Book, One San Joaquin"

Hope you are enjoying this year's special book selection," The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein. Pick up or download your copy today at!  

Then mark your calendar for this wonderful free Meet The Author Event on Sunday, October 11, at 3:00 p.m. at the University of the Pacific

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