Some cities, like Sacramento or San Diego, create more festive and welcoming atmosphere by brightening up streets with LED lights installed on trees or structures. To light up our downtown, DSA's Board of Directors set aside funds for purchase and installation of lights on Weber Avenue. 22 trees between El Dorado and Sutter Streets are currently decorated with long lasting LED strings.
DSA is hoping to continue this project throughout downtown by raising additional $1,000 to help maintain the lights. A secure online payment center is being set up to streamline the fundraising efforts. Each $25 and above donor will receive a thank you post card with a before-and-after photo of downtown Stockton at night and a chance to win a $100 farmers market basket filled with fresh produce.
"This project is funded for the most part through our downtown business district. We are calling on our community members to get excited and get involved in lighting our downtown," commented Emily Baime, CEO of Downtown Stockton Alliance.
For more information or to donate towards this project, call DSA at 209.464.5246. To watch a promotional video for this project.