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National Night Out at Stockton Community Locations
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National Night Out at Stockton Community Locations

Join friends and neighbors on Tuesday, August 6

On Tuesday, August 6, 2019, join neighborhoods throughout Stockton, plus thousands more throughout the U.S. and worldwide, for a night to support crime and drug prevention. Stockton residents are asked to turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors. From 5-8 p.m. on August 6, City officials and Police and Fire Department personnel will make special visits throughout city neighborhoods.

The City of Stockton Recreation Division will be hosting special events including police visits, entertainment, information tables, refreshments and youth activities at these community locations:

  • Arnold Rue Community Center, 5758 Lorraine Ave.
  • Oak Park Senior Center, 730 E. Fulton St.
  • Seifert Community Center, 128 W. Benjamin Holt Drive
  • Stribley Community Center, 1760 E. Sonora St.
  • Van Buskirk Community Center, 734 Houston Ave.
  • Martin Luther King Plaza, 2 E. Oak St., across from Cesar Chavez Library
  • Louis Park Softball Complex, 3121 Monte Diablo Ave.

“We look forward to National Night Out every year as an opportunity to build stronger relationships between the community, public safety, and other City departments,” Community Services Director John Alita said. “It is one of the best ways to build safer, more resilient neighborhoods while enjoying an evening that is educational and fun for the whole family.”

National Night Out is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW) and co-sponsored locally by the Stockton Police Department. This annual event is recognized nationally as an opportunity to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support and participation in local anti-crime efforts, strengthen neighborhoods, and build police-community partnerships.

For more information, visit the City of Stockton’s website at or call 209-937-8796.

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