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New Delta College Trustees take Oath of Office
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New Delta College Trustees take Oath of Office

Trustees Catherine Mathis, M.D., and Student Richard Vasquez

With friends and family present, new San Joaquin Delta College trustees Catherine Mathis, M.D., and student Richard Vasquez, were sworn in at Delta’s Tuesday, December 9 board meeting. In addition, trustee Janet Rivera, who ran unopposed in Area 3, North Stockton, renewed her oath of office. San Joaquin County Superior Court Judge, José L. Alva, administered the oaths.

Dr. Catherine Mathis will fill the vacant Area 7, Manteca-Escalon seat. Dr. Mathis, 51, is an obstetrician/gynecologist and works for the P. Gill Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical Group. She has lived in Manteca for about 8 years.

Mathis hopes to bring a unique perspective as a medical doctor to Delta’s board. “My primary goal is to maximizing opportunity for those who attend Delta College to better their lives.” Mathis emphasized that Delta College is a valuable “source of talent” from within our community. “The promise of the community college is special and almost sacred in our democracy. I look forward to serving on Delta’s board.”

Richard Vasquez, 34, represents Area 4, Lodi. He replaces Taj M. Khan, who served on Delta’s board for six years. Vasquez most recently served as a member of Delta’s Measure L Citizens’ Oversight Committee.

Vasquez brings the experiences and viewpoints of a Delta College student to the board. Ultimately, he would like to pursue a legal career. Vasquez admits to being surprised by his election victory, and is excited about the challenge. “I know I will benefit the area I’m representing by working to improve the registration process and services for all students.”

As a student, Richard Vasquez said he has a special interest in improving Delta’s ID card system, and promoting the use of smartphone apps. “Mobile apps for registration and other services would make things easier for new and returning students.” Vasquez said he looks forward to getting "down to business" after the initial board training process.

Trustee Janet Rivera has been a Delta College board member since 1994. She was accompanied by her extended family at the board ceremony. Rivera said she intends to continue her “vigorous focus on student success, and the commonalities that people have on campus with our communities. I’m honored once again to represent North Stockton and our great San Joaquin Delta Community College.”

San Joaquin Delta College Board Officers, 2014-15
Steve Castellanos, representing Area 5, Northern District, was selected President of the Board for 2014-15. Claudia Moreno, representing Area 2, Central Stockton, was selected Vice President for 2014-15. Janet Rivera, Area 3, North Stockton, becomes Clerk of the Board for 2014-15.

The San Joaquin Delta Community College District is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of seven voting members. Trustees are elected from trustee areas during general elections throughout the district. The board also consists of a student representative appointed by Delta’s student government. Alejandro Gomez is the current student representative.

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