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New Programs at Oak Park Ice Arena
Caravan News 6175

New Programs at Oak Park Ice Arena

SMG officials at Oak Park Ice Arena are introducing two new programs to Stockton and the surrounding area: Pond Hockey and Curling.

Pond Hockey is similar to traditional ice hockey, but simpler.  There are no boards or glass surrounding the area of play and the goal is much lower (slightly taller than the width of a puck).  The game does not have a formal goalie, therefore there is more emphasis on skating and puck handling, and less on shooting and checking.

Pond hockey is open to any persons with previous hockey experience.  Youth 18 and under must wear full protective gear and adults, ages 18 and up are required to wear helmets, shin and elbow pads.  Games begin April 23rd.

Curling is an Olympic sport where players slide a heavy, polished granite stone called a “rock” across the ice toward a target area.  Two teams consisting of four players, take turns sliding the “rock” across the ice in an attempt to accumulate the highest score.

Curling is open to anyone who wishes to join and requires no special gear.

For more information or to sign up please contact Oak Park Ice Arena at (209) 937-7433 or log on to

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