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Notice of 2019-2020 Unsecured Personal Property Tax Due
Caravan News 6516

Notice of 2019-2020 Unsecured Personal Property Tax Due

Phonxay Keokham, San Joaquin County Treasurer-Tax Collector, has mailed personal property tax bills to approximately 13,600 business, boat, and aircraft owners in San Joaquin County as of July 26, 2019.  Owners of personal property in San Joaquin County such as a boat or aircraft or have leased or owned fixtures and equipment related to a business on January 1, 2019 must pay the tax.  If you do not receive a tax bill by August 1, 2019, please call the Unsecured Section in the San Joaquin County Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office at (209) 468-2133.  Failure to receive a tax bill shall not relieve the lien of taxes, nor shall it prevent the imposition of penalties.

Unsecured taxes are due on the date billed.  The August 31, 2019 delinquency date falls on a Saturday in 2019 and Monday is the Labor Day holiday.  Therefore, the date of delinquency is Tuesday, September 3, 2019.  If the tax is not paid by 5:00 p.m., September 3, 2019, a ten percent (10%) penalty will apply.  Delinquent unsecured property taxes are subject to additional penalties, fees, and collection enforcement if unpaid after 60 days.

Property taxes may be paid online or by phone.  A convenience fee will be charged by the company supporting these services when paying online or by phone with a credit card or debit card.  The convenience fee is in addition to the property taxes paid. For your convenience, e-check (electronic check) payments are accepted free of charge.  To make a payment online, please go to To pay by phone, please call (866) 954-1829.

Payments may be mailed to SJC TTC, P.O Box 2169, Stockton, CA 95201-2169.  Mailed payments must be United States Postal Service postmarked by the delinquent date to avoid late penalties.  Payments can also be made at the San Joaquin County Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office located at 44 North San Joaquin Street, Suite 150, Stockton, CA, 95202.  Our regular business hours open to the public are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.  However, we will remain open until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 3, 2019.

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