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"Out of the Box"  Program Reaches Out  to Local Student Artists
Caravan News 2659

"Out of the Box" Program Reaches Out to Local Student Artists

Downtown Stockton Alliance (DSA), in partnership with The Stockton Mural Art Resource Team (SMART), initiated in 2013 a mural design contest and program "Out of the Box"  for local high school and college students. Over the weekend of June 6-8, 2014, the winning designs have been applied to four utility boxes near Janet Leigh Plaza in Downtown Stockton. Student artists were paired with SMART Project's mentors, professional artists based in Stockton. An official art unveiling ceremony took place in Janet Leigh Plaza on June 12.

This project not only brings art to public spaces and deters tagging, but also educates the youth about value of art and community. DSA and SMART hope to continue the Out of the Box program next year when additional utility boxes will be painted with original murals. 

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